Building trust in ADempiere or the long road to certification

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ADempiere is a solution targeting to SME's (small & medium sized enterprises), offering the ability to handle all common business tasks and transactions.

That's the promise. But still there's alot of work to be done.

To use a package like ADempiere for the sake of a company it takes a lot of trust. There must be 100% bulletproof reliability in the transactions and their results. As a manager at board level you have a lot of responsibilities. You are responsible for the business itself. Meaning your business partners (may them be customers or suppliers) rely on you. You are responsible for your employees. If the company fails in its business, there might be some real tragedies outthere. And, worst of all, you are responsible towards your investors or owners. They always have questions which have to be answered quick and reliable. So the usage of any ERP package is a matter of trust.

Besides the pure technical development of the package and its modules , what steps might be taken to build trust in the business community outthere?

This paper tries to identify some targets regarding this question and how they might be achieved. It also wants to kick off a discussion, leading into a managed development process.

Following the link, you can read the proposed document (actual version, still in progress) File:Road to cert Perak Paper.pdf

Contributed by Sascha Zumbusch consulting (at) zumbusch (dot) de