Adempiere/Libero Linux install from subversion head

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Installation Steps to bring up Adempiere/Libero on Linux

  1.  change to root
  2.  svn co adempiere
  3.  cd adempiere
  4.  svn co libero
  4.5.  cd ../../
  5.  cvs -d login  (password is anonymous)
  6.  cvs -d co org.postgresql.pljava
  7.  cd org.postgresql.pljava/
  8.  make
  9.  make install
  10.  download postgresql-8.2-504.jdbc2.jar (from somewhere)
  11.  export CLASSPATH=/root/org.postgresql.pljava/build/deploy.jar:/root/postgresql-8.2-504.jdbc2.jar:/root/org.postgresql.pljava/build/test.jar 
  12.  download and install jdk-1_5.x-linux-i586.bin 
  13.  install postgres 8.2.3 or later
  14.  modify the pg_hba.conf of your postgres installation to allow for connections correctly
  15.  modify the postresql.conf listen_addresses = to be the right ip address
  16.  modify the postgresql.conf to have the right pljava entries
  17.  startup postgres
  18.  createuser adempiere (answer yes to all)
  19.  createdb adempiere --encoding=unicode 
  20.  psql adempiere 
  21.  alter user adempiere with password 'adempiere'; 
  22.  \q 
  22.1  change to root (su - ) 
  22.2  java org.postgresql/pljava.deploy.Deployer -install -user 
  adempiere -password adempiere -host -database adempiere 
  (use your ip address) 
  22.2  change back to postgres (su - postgres) 
  23.  jar -xf adempiere/data/seed/Adempiere_pg.jar 
  24.  psql adempiere < Adempiere_pg.dmp 
  25.  psql adempiere 
  26.  select sqlj.install_jar('file:/var/lib/pgsql/sqlj.jar','sqlj',true);
  27.  SELECT sqlj.set_classpath('adempiere', 'sqlj'); 
  28.  SET search_path TO adempiere,public; 
  29.  select bpartnerRemitLocation (118); 
       is for testing it must return 120, if it returns ok installation of 
       db is completed before 1 and 2 you must drop user and/or database if 
       created for 26, you must change the path of sql.jar 
  29.1  apply all patch sql scripts from adempiere/migration/330-trunk/postgresql to the adempeire database
  30.  change back to root su - 
  31.  cd adempiere/utils_dev 
  32.  export ADEMPIERE_HOME= /root/work2/adempiere/adempiere/Adempiere 
       (or something like it) 
  33.  ./ 
  34.  cd $ADEMPIERE_HOME 
  35.  sh (Remember to choose postgres database and put in 
       the right ip addresses for the server/database and also the right 
       username/passsword for the database 
  36.  cd utils 
  37.  nohup ./ & 
  38.  cd ..
  39.  cp libero/2pack/ $ADEMPIERE_HOME/packages
  40.  ./
  41.  import 2pack
  42.  setup a new client
  43.  cd adempiere/libero
  44.  cp ../lib/libero.jar ../adempiere/Adempiere/packages/packages/EE01/lib/libero.jar
  46.  cd adempiere/utils_dev
  47.  stop both client and server
  48.  ./
  50.  ./
  51.  Add a new form for the Libero BOM Drop in the Application Dictionary under the manufacturing menu