Difference between revisions of "Adempiere/Libero Linux install from subversion head"

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This Wiki is read-only for reference purposes to avoid broken links.
(Finishing the Application and Database Servers)
JD (Talk)
(Initial Application Server setup)
Line 43: Line 43:
  ant complete
  ant complete
This will create a tar.gz file inside adempiere/install, extrac this to /usr/local, and make all the shell scripts executable
This will create a tar.gz file inside adempiere/install, extract this to /usr/local, and make all the shell scripts executable
  tar zxvf /usr/local/src/adempiere/adempiere/install/Adempiere_330.tar.gz -C /usr/local
  tar zxvf /usr/local/src/adempiere/adempiere/install/Adempiere_330.tar.gz -C /usr/local
  find /usr/local/Adempiere -iname '*.sh' -exec chmod u+x '{}' \  
  find /usr/local/Adempiere -iname '*.sh' -exec chmod u+x '{}' \  

Revision as of 08:01, 25 October 2007


This is an attempt to correct and clarify documentation posted by a fellow employee, and update the Debian and PostgreSQL Install wiki to lenny as I use it. Where the old one works I will post the functional text without specific attribution. All text within may be assumed to be from the Debian and PostgreSQL Install, my fellow employee, myself, or wild-eyed greylings (whatever you wish) except where expressly noted otherwise.

This document also assumes you are using Debian release Lenny. This is being tested against vservers, some information may not be needed in a non-vserver install. If you verify this data, please add a line at the end of this section with this format:

'''Verified:''' distro version (kernel)
<br/>'''''notes:''''' special notes 


Verified: InsanoFlex 0.1 (linux 2.6.23-blackmagic kernel)
notes: needed to do voodoo dance and sacrifice 3 chickens to account for blackmagic voodoo userspace limitations
JD 13:19, 24 October 2007 (EDT)JD

Don't expect this to work right now, I'm documenting it as I install it. This warning will be removed as my work is completed and I will add my own Verified line

Initial Application Server setup

We're starting off on the application server. Some of this is needed before we can set up the database, but the database is needed before we can start the application, so we'll go back and forth a little bit.

We're going to use /usr/local/src/ to store all our source code, if this dir doesn't exist you'll want to create it. The rest of this doc assumes this dir for all source, so if you use a different one you'll have to change some things. Now we create the adempiere and libero dirs in the /usr/local/src dir:

mkdir -p /usr/local/src/{adempiere,libero}

If you don't have svn, ant, and a jdk installed you'll need to get them (if you want to use ant to populate the database you'll also need postgresql-client on the app server):

aptitude install subversion sun-java5-jdk ant postgresql-client-8.2
  • You may need to add non-free and contrib to the end of one of your sources lines in /etc/apt/sources.list then aptitude update and try again:
sed -i 's/\(deb .*\)/\1 non-free contrib/' /etc/apt/sources.list
aptitude update
aptitude install sun-java5-jdk

Next use svn to checkout from the adempiere repository:

svn checkout https://adempiere.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/adempiere/trunk /usr/local/src/adempiere

Now do the same for libero:

svn checkout  https://adempiere.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/adempiere/branches/libero  /usr/local/src/libero

We need to build this in order to have the sqlj.jar file for the database server. Lets make an adempiere directory and build it:

mkdir /usr/local/adempiere
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun
cd /usr/local/src/adempiere/utils_dev/
ant complete

This will create a tar.gz file inside adempiere/install, extract this to /usr/local, and make all the shell scripts executable

tar zxvf /usr/local/src/adempiere/adempiere/install/Adempiere_330.tar.gz -C /usr/local
find /usr/local/Adempiere -iname '*.sh' -exec chmod u+x '{}' \ 

Extract the the seed for the database and copy it over to the database server. At the same time we'll copy over the sqlj.jar. Because we use vservers we didn't need to use scp, but you probably will.

scp /usr/local/src/adempiere/sqlj/sqlj.jar /usr/local/Adempiere/data/Adempiere_pg.dmp <db server>:<where-ever you want it>

Now set up the database server

Database Server

Install postgres and development files

aptitude install postgresql-server-dev-8.2 postgresql-8.2 cvs
  • If your config files don't get installed you may need to change some of your locales and rebuild your database:
export LC_ALL="POSIX"
export LANG="POSIX"
pg_createcluster 8.2 main
  • If you're using a vserver you should probably to change the listen address in postgresql.conf to your external ip address since localhost may not be a usable address, especially if you have another postgres vserver.

install sun java5 jdk

aptitude install sun-java5-jdk
  • This may require you to add contrib and non-free to your /etc/apt/sources.list (see above)

Get jdbc for your current java from here, we put it in /usr/local/lib. Remember the dir as it will be used later.

cd /usr/local/lib
wget http://jdbc.postgresql.org/download/postgresql-8.2-506.jdbc3.jar

return to your compile dir, we used /usr/local/src so as not to make a mess

cd /usr/local/src

Get pljava from cvs:

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@gborg.postgresql.org:/usr/local/cvsroot/pljava login  (password is anonymous)
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@gborg.postgresql.org:/usr/local/cvsroot/pljava checkout org.postgresql.pljava

Compile and install (it will automatically install to your postgresql lib dir):

cd org.postgresql.pljava
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun
make install

edit the postgresql.conf and add the following lines

custom_variable_classes = 'pljava'               
# define the class path that the JVM will use when loading the
# initial library. Only meaningful for non GCJ installations  
# Set the size of the prepared statement MRU cache
# ... that's server side caching of stuff
# (What are the units on this? Is K, or M, or Ardvarks, or Mass/The speed of light? 
# I can't find any docs. Someone please comment)
pljava.statement_cache_size = 10
# If true, lingering savepoints will be released on function exit. If false,
# the will be rolled back
pljava.release_lingering_savepoints = true
# Define startup options for the Java VM.
# (sun docs suggest the commented one, this wiki doesn't specify. 
# Anyone who's tried different options, input would be helpful. )
#pljava.vmoptions = '-Xmx64M'
pljava.vmoptions = ''
# Setting debug to true will cause the postgres process to go
# into a sleep(1) loop on its first call to java. This variable is
# only useful if you want to debug the PL/Java internal C code.
pljava.debug = false
  • Much of this is cut and paste from postgres with direction from the old debian wiki.

And add the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the environment file:


Add the application and database servers to your pg_hba.conf

host         all         all         <application>/32        trust
hostnossl    all         all         <db>/32                 md5
host         all         all         <your net & cidr>       md5

Restart postgres

 /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 restart

Now export your CLASSPATH (re-export your JAVA_HOME if you've logged out since the last time) so we can run the next command

export CLASSPATH='/usr/local/src/org.postgresql.pljava/build/deploy.jar:/usr/local/lib/postgresql-8.2-506.jdbc3.jar'

Now we install pljava support in the main cluster with the following:

su postgres -c "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun; 
/usr/bin/psql -d template1 \
-f /usr/local/src/org.postgresql.pljava/src/sql/install.sql"
  • If you're using amd64 you'll need to add libjvm to your ld path
echo "$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/amd64/server/" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/postrgresql

Create a user for Adempiere to run as:

useradd -d /nonexistant -s /usr/bin/psql adempiere

create user and database for adempiere:

su postgres -c "createuser adempiere -s -P;
createdb adempiere --encoding=unicode"
  • Remember the password you entered for adempiere, you will need it later

This prepares the database for pljava (according to wgth, donno if it's really needed or not)

java org.postgresql/pljava.deploy.Deployer -install -user adempiere -password <passwd> -host <db ip> -database adempiere

Dump the adempiere seed SQL into the database. This assumes the dmp was moved to root's home.

cat ~/Adempiere_pg.dmp | su postgres -c "psql adempiere"

I copied over sqlj.jar into root's home, so now I'm going to put it in a more logical location

mv ~/sqlj.jar /var/lib/postgresql/

Now install sqlj.jar and test it out

su - postgres 
psql adempiere

from inside postgres:

select sqlj.install_jar('file:/var/lib/postgresql/sqlj.jar','sqlj',true); 
SELECT sqlj.set_classpath('adempiere', 'sqlj');
SET search_path TO adempiere,public;
select bpartnerRemitLocation (118);

If this last command returns 120 you can safely log out as postgres and begin running the migration sql code. We'll do this in the next section.

Now we should be able to return to the application server.

Finishing the Application and Database Servers

edit /usr/local/src/adempiere/migration/postgresql.properties:

#PostgreSQL home folder                                                                                                                                    
#PostgreSQL pgdata folder                                                                                                                                  
#adempeire database name                                                                                                                                   
#adempiere database login                                                                                                                                  
#adempiere database password                                                                                                                               
postgresql.host=<db ip>

Finish the db server by running the sql patches, but ant can take care of that for us

cd /usr/local/src/adempiere/migration/330-trunk/postgresql

Now we compile, but before you start to compile anything you have to fix a problem with the build script. Add the line

          <exclude name="README.TXT"/>


        <patternset id="manifest.exclude">

Log into your application server with X forwarding and run setup

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun
export ADEMPIERE_HOME=/usr/local/adempiere
ssh -X <app server> <full path>/RUN_setup.sh

Start up the server (you have to go to the dir, because, unfortunately, the util scrips appear to use relative paths).

cd /usr/local/Adempiere/utils/

nohup ./RUN_Server2.sh& todo: write init script for Adempiere.

follow the InstallServer wiki

Adding Libero

Execute RUN_Adempiere.sh
login as System using the system password supplied in the setup.
select Application Dictionary->Entity Type
follow the instructions found here

instructions to be fixed

  37.  nohup ./RUN_Server2.sh & 
  38.  cd ..
  39.  cp libero/2pack/EE01.zip $ADEMPIERE_HOME/packages
  40.  ./RUN_Adempiere.sh
  40.1.  http://www.adempiere.com/wiki/index.php/Libero_EE01_Install_Manual
  41.  import EE01.zip 2pack
  42.  setup a new client (in the Model Validation class be sure to specify LiberoValidator or the Libero doc types won't be created)
  43.  cd adempiere/libero
  44.  cp ../lib/libero.jar ../adempiere/Adempiere/packages/packages/EE01/lib/libero.jar
  46.  cd adempiere/utils_dev
  47.  stop both client and server
  48.  ./RUN_build.sh
  50.  ./RUN_silentsetup.sh
  51.  Add a new form for the Libero BOM Drop in the Application Dictionary under the manufacturing menu