WebUI/Requisition To Invoice

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This Wiki is read-only for reference purposes to avoid broken links.


What Works

  • Requisition headers and line items can be entered and saved. Pop up windows to select values work properly

What Doesn't Work

  • When creating a line item, if product is updated to choose one different from the originally chosen, the unit price and line amount are not updated unless the quantity is changed.
  • When trying to create a PO from a requisition, the process fails with an error without any further description of the problem


What Works

  • Requisition headers and line items can be entered and saved. Pop up windows to select values work properly

What Doesn't Work

  • When creating a line item, if product is updated to choose one different from the originally chosen, the unit price and line amount are not updated unless the quantity is changed. Same problem as in requisitions
  • In the header, when a BP is chosen, it does not bring mandatory data that is related to the BP such as partner location and user contact. Other mandatory data is not available for choosing such as delivery warehouse. You need to save the header in order to bring those fields, this is confusing although it works.
