PMC:QA:Improve sales order POC with Sahi document3

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In document PMC:QA:Improve sales order POC with Sahi document2,we talked about ZkwebuiIDGenerator.

IDGenerator has been intergrated with latest Adempiere version by Carlos Ruiz.I tested.


  • Adempiere reversion:12417 20100527,this version has been integrated with IDGenerator by Carlos Ruiz
  • sahi:20100430
  • browser:Chrome


test scripts

scripts are recorded by sahi controller

  • first need to configure your browser to use sahi server and port as its proxy.
  • then start sahi server

my test works well in Chrome

but my test can't work in firefox(3.5.6),redirect to timeout page.

Carlos Ruiz tried and it worked immediately.More please view: .

login.sah:login adempiere

_setValue(_textbox("zk_comp_6"), "SuperUser");
_setValue(_password("zk_comp_20"), "System");
_click(_cell("GardenWorld Admin"));

soorder_create.sah:create a sales order

first time record second time record description
_click(_link("Sales Order")); _click(_link("Sales Order")); link "Sales order"
_click(_image("zk_comp_2319!hvig")); _click(_image("zk_comp_2319!hvig")); image "New24.png" to create a new record
_click(_image("spacer.gif[2]")); _click(_image("spacer.gif[2]"));
_click(_cell("HQ")); _click(_cell("HQ")); Organization
_click(_image("spacer.gif[3]")); _click(_image("spacer.gif[3]"));
_click(_cell("POS Order")); _click(_cell("POS Order")); Target document type
_click(_image("zk_comp_2432!hvig")); _click(_image("zk_comp_2432!hvig")); Business partner image
_click(_image("zk_comp_3132!hvig")); _click(_image("zk_comp_3132!hvig")); Refresh button "Refresh24.png"
_click(_radio("zk_comp_3160!cm")); _click(_radio("zk_comp_3160!cm")); select bpartner
_click(_image("zk_comp_3138!hvig")); _click(_image("zk_comp_3138!hvig")); Ok button "Ok24.png"
_click(_image("spacer.gif[14]")); _click(_image("spacer.gif[14]"));
_click(_cell("HQ Warehouse")); _click(_cell("HQ Warehouse"));
_click(_image("spacer.gif[26]")); _click(_image("spacer.gif[26]"));
_click(_cell("GardenAdmin")); _click(_cell("GardenAdmin"));
_click(_image("zk_comp_2323!hvig")); _click(_image("zk_comp_2323!hvig")); save
_click(_span("Order Line")); _click(_span("Order Line")); select "Order Line" tab
_click(_image("zk_comp_3620!hvig")); _click(_image("zk_comp_3620!hvig")); select Product,product image
_click(_image("zk_comp_4498!hvig")); _click(_image("zk_comp_4498!hvig")); Refresh button
_click(_checkbox("zk_comp_4511!cm")); _click(_checkbox("zk_comp_4511!cm")); select product "Mary"
_click(_image("zk_comp_4505!hvig")); _click(_image("zk_comp_4505!hvig")); Ok button
_click(_image("spacer.gif[51]")); _click(_image("spacer.gif[51]"));
_click(_cell("Standard[3]")); _click(_cell("Standard[3]"));
_click(_image("zk_comp_2323!hvig")); _click(_image("zk_comp_2323!hvig")); Save image on the toolbar
_click(_span("Order")); _click(_span("Order")); back to "Order" tab
_click(_cell("Complete[1]")); _click(_cell("Complete[1]")); complete order
_click(_image("zk_comp_5167!hvig")); _click(_image("zk_comp_5167!hvig")); Ok button to confirm complete the order

Above,we found that getting the same records in the two times.That's well !!!  :D

Please make sure you just open one adempiere-webui in your browser when record the scripts.

run the scripts by sahi controller

_click(_link("Sales Order"));
_click(_cell("POS Order"));
_click(_cell("HQ Warehouse"));
_click(_span("Order Line"));

Works well,but my play is very slow.(login scripts run well,order creation scripts run very slowly)

test result




review log,found that the scrips start time:at May 28, 2010 2:03:53 PM and last script run at at May 28, 2010 2:55:51 PM


#Time (in milliseconds) delay between steps
#Time (in milliseconds) delay between retries once an error occurs
#Number of retries once an error occurs
#Number of cycles Sahi will wait for the page to load before it proceeds with execution
#Time spent is (script.max_cycles_for_page_load x script.time_between_steps) milliseconds
#No of times Sahi should wait for stability of AJAX and page loads before continuing. min value is 1

No problem!Don't konw why

Base on above scripts you can add assertions.

please refer to :

eg.login script with assertions

_setValue(_textbox("zk_comp_6"), "SuperUser");
_setValue(_password("zk_comp_20"), "System");
_assertExists(_cell("GardenWorld Admin"));
_click(_cell("GardenWorld Admin"));



test by command

you can test it by command

java TestRunner <suite_name> <browser_executable> <start_url> <log_dir> <sahi_host> <sahi_port> <number_of_threads>
<browser_process_name> [<browser_option>]


sahi # java -cp lib/ant-sahi.jar net.sf.sahi.test.TestRunner /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/scripts/adempieretest/my.suite "/usr/bin/chromium" http://adempiere/webui default localhost 9999 1 chromium

suiteName = /mnt/sda4/Sahi/sahi/userdata/scripts/adempieretest/my.suite
browser = /usr/bin/chromium
base = http://adempiere/webui
sahiHost = localhost
port = 9999
threads = 1
browserOption =
browserProcessName = chromium
Added shutdown hook.
Shutting down ...


  • my play is very slow
  • IDGenerator,just implemented it as a start and test for fields(by CarlosRuiz)


in login page "spacer.gif" Pocsahi5.png


and cell "English" etc..



so I recorded script like "_click(_image("spacer.gif"));" not "_click(_image("zk..."));"

Other explanation

Now we use ID to confirm the position of elements.

1.sahi controller automatically record elements' position using IDS(zk_comp_*) when adempiere with IDgenerator integration.

2.if ignore ids "zk_comp_*"(Narayan's suggestion),will make the script much more easy to read.the records are the same as adempiere without IDgenerator integration.if use ids "zk_comp_*",the script is not easy to read.

3.above scripts,I recorded them by sahi controller.(assertions you can add them by manually operation or by sahi controller)

4.if want to make the script easy to read,I think need to modify the scripts.


"_click(_image("zk_comp_137!hvig"))" is same as "_click(_image("Ok24.png");" make it easy to read,you can modify it like "_click(_image("Ok24.png",_in(_table("zk_comp_73!box"))))".

but I think thus script must record by manually operation.

"ignore ids" just record(by sahi controller) scripts like "_click(_image("Ok24.png");"


   * Go back to PMC:QA