How to change the default country for BP location

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Each time you go to create a new location in the Business Partner window, you are given the default country of USA and Region of AG. It is possible to change the default on a client level.

Firstly, you need to ensure you have your country's language enabled. If that is not enabled, then have a look at How to (de)activate a language.

Change the default Country for Business Partner Locations

  1. Login as the client administrator. For example, for Garden World test system it is GardenAdmin
  2. In the menu navigate to System Admin > Client Rules > Client
  3. In the field, Language, choose your country's language
  4. Click on Save.
  5. Click on the Green Tick on the box titled, Do you want to save changes?
  6. Logout to have the changes to come into affect.

Now when you click to create a new location, you should find the default appearing to be the client's country based on the language you selected for the client.

Note: It is also possible to have a Region default (if your country has regions).

Note: If you need to change the logic (e.g. take the bpartner language to determine the default country) you should change it in VLocationDialog.

Change the default Region for Busness Partner Locations

  1. Login as System Administrator. Normally User id is System.
  2. Choose a Role of System Administrator
  3. In the menu navigate to System Admin > General Rules > System Rules > Country Region and City
  4. Select the country you want to set a default region
  5. Choose the Region tab
  6. Tick the Default field on the Region you want to appear as the default. Note, ensure only one Region is selected as a default, otherwise you may have unexpected results
  7. Click on Save
  8. Click on the Green Tick on the box titled, Do you want to save changes?
  9. Logout to have the changes to come into affect